All News

Sept 23, 2019
Mackenzie Pearson, PhD, a Field Application Specialist from SCIEX hosted a Cardiolipin method training on our 5500 QTRAP.

Sept 4, 2019
Congratulations to our PhD Candidate Chaz Hinzman on receiving an NIH TL-1 pre-doctoral fellowship in the Georgetown-Howard Universities Center for Clinical and Translational Science program in Translational Biomedical Science! Funded by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the goal of the Translational Biomedical Science (TBS) program offered through the Georgetown-Howard Universities Center for Clinical and Translational Science (GHUCCTS) is to prepare pre-doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows (MDs and PhDs) to serve as the critical link in advancing the translation of basic science into improved outcomes for health, aging and disease.

July 22, 2019
Congratulations to our PhD Candidate Chaz Hinzman on receiving a 2019 Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology (CSCO) Young Investigator Travel Award. Thanks to CSCO and the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), this award allows Chaz to attend the CSCO 2019 Annual Meeting in Xiamen, China to present his recent work that was shown as a poster presentation at the 2019 AACR meeting!

July 8, 2019
Albert J. Fornace Jr., MD, and Amrita Cheema, PhD, have founded the new Center for Metabolomic Studies (CMS), which will leverage the combined capabilities of Georgetown’s Medical Center and Main Campus to study the emerging field of metabolomics and facilitate studies at both the basic and clinical-translational levels.Learn more

July 1, 2019
New publication - “Plasma-derived extracellular vesicles yield predictive markers of cranial irradiation exposure in mice. Sci Rep. “

May 6, 2019
Darren Dumlao, PhD, a Field Application Specialist from SCIEX hosted a Fluxomics and Metabolomics training on our 5500 QTRAP.

March 24, 2019
Otis Bervely, PhD, a Technical Specialist from Waters hosted an in-depth MRM-MS training on our TQ-S.

Feb 4, 2019
Mackenzie Pearson, PhD, a Field Application Specialist from SCIEX hosted a Lipidyzer training on our 5500 QTRAP platform.

January 26, 2019
Instrument installation training for our SCIEX 5500 QTRAP.

January 26, 2019
Congratulations to our PhD Student Chaz Hinzman on becoming a Cosmos Scholar and winning a $5,000 research grant! And thank you to the Cosmos Club for supporting early career researchers. Cosmos Club Foundation.

January 24, 2019
Multiple abstracts accepted for poster presentation at the AACR 2019 Annual Meeting! Covering radiation induced cardiotoxicity biomarkers and extracellular vesicles in pancreatic cancer, be sure to stop by and visit us.

January 23, 2019
Abstract accepted for poster presentation at the New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS) symposium on extracellular vesicles. Be sure to visit us! Learn more here

December 17, 2018
Tumor suppressor RARRES1- A novel regulator of fatty acid metabolism in epithelial cells PLoS One.

October 27, 2018
The Cheema Lab welcomes Tixieanna Dissmore as a Postdoctoral fellow!

September 23, 2018
The Radiation Research Society honors Prof. Amrita Cheema with the J.W. Osborne Award for her work elucidating normal tissue radiation responses. RRS Awards & Honors.>

Sept 18, 2018
May Guo from Agilent hosted a Live Cell Metabolic Analysis training workshop on our Seahorse XFe96 Analyzer.

July 10, 2018
May Guo from Agilent hosted a Live Cell Metabolic Analysis training workshop on our Seahorse XFe96 Analyzer.

April 12, 2018
The mitochondrial citrate carrier, SLC25A1, drives stemness and therapy resistance in non-small cell lung cancer Cell Death & Differentiation.